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Horizon Forbidden West trophy guide

In Horizon Forbidden West, you’ll have plenty of achievements to accomplish, combat skills to upgrade, and robotic creatures to dismantle. While you adventure across the land, you’ll have 59 trophies to unlock on your PS4 or PS5.

Below you’ll find a list of all 59 Horizon Forbidden West trophies and their descriptions. We’ve broken up all the trophies into three categories covering gameplay, collections, and hidden trophies.

Table of contents

Horizon Forbidden West trophies: Gameplay

There are several Horizon Forbidden West trophies that have to do with how you play the game. These trophies cover categories such as performing certain combat abilities, leveling up Aloy to certain levels, upgrading equipment, and more.

Horizon Forbidden West trophies: Gameplay

10 Types of Machines OverriddenBronzeUnlocked and used the overrides for 10 different types of machines.
Enchanced Weapon with CoilsBronzeEquipped a weapon of any tier with 2 coils.
Performed 3 Melee CombosBronzeSucccessfully performed 3 different unlockable melee combos.
Reach Level 20BronzeReached player level 20.
Reach Level 30BronzeReached player level 30.
Reach Level 50SilverReached player level 50.
Reached the DauntBronzeArrived at the Daunt seeking passage into the Forbidden West.
Stealth Killed 10 MachinesBronzePerformed a stealth kill on 10 machines.
Tore off 100 ComponentsBronzeDetached 100 components from machines.
Upgraded 3 OutfitsBronzeFully upgraded 3 different outfits.
Upgraded 3 WeaponsBronzeFully upgraded 3 weapons.
Upgraded Every Pouch TypeBronzeUpgraded the Food Pouch, Potion Pouch, Resource Pouch, Trap Pouch, and any ammo pouch at least once.

Horizon Forbidden West trophies: Collection

A handful of Horizon Forbidden West trophies require you to defeat multiple types of enemies, collect different styles of weaponry, learn a full suite of skills, and more.

Horizon Forbidden West trophies: Collection

All Acquisition Machines KilledBronzeKilled at least one of every type of Acquistion machine.
All Combat Machines KilledBronzeKilled at least one of every type of Combat machine.
All Machine Types ScannedSilverEncounter and Focus every type of machine.
All Recon Machines KilledBronzeKilled at least one of every type of Reconnaissance machine.
All Transport Machines KilledBronzeKilled at least one of every type of Transport machine.
All Trophies ObtainedPlatinumObtain all Horizon Forbidden West trophies.
Obtain All Weapon ClassesBronzeObtain 1 weapon from every weapon class.
Picked up 5 Heavy WeaponsBronzePicked up 5 different heavy weapons.
Skill Tree LearnedSilverLearned all available skills on one tree.
Used All Elemental StatesBronzeInflicted every elemental state on an enemy at least once.

Horizon Forbidden West trophies: Hidden

No PlayStation game would be without its secret objectives. Horizon Forbidden West hidden trophies are mostly tied to the game’s story or related to achievements that reveal more of the game’s backstory.

Horizon Forbidden West trophies: Hidden

Aided KotalloBronzeHelped Kotallo build and test a mechanized arm.
All Cores OverriddenSilverReached the Core of every Cauldron and accessed their information.
All Tallnecks OverriddenSilverReached the top of every Tallneck and accessed their information.
Attended the EmbassyBronzeSurvived the ambush at the Embassy and gained passage into the Forbidden West.
Chose a Desert CommanderBronzeAided both Drakka and Yarra and chose the better candidate.
Completed 2 Flying Mount QuestsBronzeCompleted 2 quests that require a flying mount.
Completed 3 Relic RunsBronzeDiscovered and completed 3 Relic Runs.
Completed 4 Rebel OutpostsBronzeDefeated the outpost leader and recovered the tags from 4 Rebel Outposts.
Completed a Long GlideBronzeGlided uninterrupted for 60 seconds.
Completed a Set of Salvage ContractsBronzeCompleted all contracts at a Salvage Contractor.
Completed Arena Challenge SetBronzeCompleted 1 Arena Challenge Set.
Defeated AseraSilverInvestigated all Revel Camps and helped Erend defeat Asera.
Defeated Machine Strike ChallengersBronzeWon a match against 2 different Machine Strike challengers.
Defeated the EnduringBronzeDefeated the Tenakth melee master know as the Enduring.
Discovered Faro's FateBronzeSurvived Thebes and befriended the Quen.
Discovered NemesisGoldPut an end to the Zenith threat and discovered Nemesis.
Established the BaseBronzeSecured a base of operations and rebooted GAIA.
First Core OverriddenBronzeRaeched the Core of a Cauldron and accesssed its information.
First Rebel Camp CompletedBronzeCompleted key objectives in 1 Rebel Camp.
First Tallneck OverriddenBronzeReached the top of a Tallneck and accessed its information.
Flew on the Wings of the TenBronzeFlew into battle and vanquished Regalla.
Fully Upgraded a Valor SurgeBronzeUpgraded a Valor Surge to its maximum level.
Healed the Land-godsBronzeHelped Zo reboot the land-gods to save Plainsong.
Obtained 3 Stripes at a Hunting GroundBronzeEarned at least a Quarter Stripe mark in all three trials at one Hunting Ground.
Obtained 3 Stripes at All Hunting GroundsSilverEarned at least a Quarter Stripe mark in all three trials at all Hunting Grounds.
Recovered 5 Different CollectiblesBronzeCompleted 1 Survey Drone, 1 Black Box, 1 Relic Run, 1 Vista Point, and 1 Signal Tower.
Recovered AETHERBronzeDefended the Kulrut and recovered AETHER.
Recovered Alva's DataBronzeHelped Alva retrieve data to help the Quen.
Recovered BetaBronzeFollowed Beta's distress signal and brought her back to the base.
Recovered DEMETERBronzeEncountered the Quen and recovered DEMETER.
Recovered POSEIDONBronzeDraineed Las Vegas and recovered POSEIDON.
Rode All Regular MountsBronzeRode a Charger, Bristleback, and Clawstrider.
Saved the DauntBronzeResolved all of the problems troubling the Daunt.
Secured Passage to the EmbassyBronzeCleared the way to the Embassy and reopened the Daunt.
Unlocked 3 Weapon TechniquesBronzeUnlocked a Weapon Technique for 3 different weapon classes.
Used Dyed FlowersBronzeUsed dye flowers to unlock and apply a new dye.
Won 2 Gauntlet RunsBronzeWon first place in two different Gauntlet Runs.
